You want to know why you should plan an event with NUNAV in the future?
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Holger sits down in the car. Today he is driving to a concert.
He scans a QR code with his smartphone. This opens the free, anonymous and ad-free NUNAV navigation app and shows him an event service screen with useful info. By clicking "Navigate," Holger confirms that he is arriving as a visitor. Here we go.
Suddenly, Holger receives a call from his girlfriend Petra, who is accompanying him to the concert today.
As she was also about to leave by car, she had discovered the NUNAV QR code on her ticket. Holger explains to her that she simply has to scan the NUNAV QR code, even if she has not yet installed the NUNAV app. Petra is then automatically directed to the Android or Apple store and can install the app on her smartphone. Holger goes on to explain that all she has to do now is type today's concert name into the search field or scan the QR code again. And off she goes.
Well, that's simple and straightforward. Thanks a lot Holger!" he hears Petra say. "Thank NUNAV!", Holger laughs into the phone and drives off stress-free.
Welcome to the world of Graphmasters
With us you navigate the right way.
With NUNAV Navigation your visitors drive to your event.
This eliminates the need to search for the next free parking space on site. With our dynamic destination management, you can navigate every NUNAV user to their parking space, without searching. This helps your visitors, exhibitors, suppliers and promotes acceptance by local residents.
Create your event, define your parking areas and the role of your users and let the NUANV apps guide your visitors, trade audience, exhibitors, concert goers or service providers to the right destination with turn-by-turn navigation avoiding traffic jams.
What makes NUNAV unique? Collaborative Routing
What do users of the NUANV Apps do? Enter event
What does your event manager do? Create parking areas and define user roles
What do other NUANV partners do? Digital traffic management
You want to integrate public transport? No problem.
With NUNAV, you can have parking areas that are located outside of your event site controlled. The best way to do this is with P&R parking areas, where the occupancy rate is known in real time.
This way you keep your promise of a free parking space.
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